Plato Investment Management is pleased to announce a new allocation to the Plato Global Net Zero Hedge Fund by the Future Generation Global Investment Company Limited (ASX: FGG).
Launched in September 2021, the Plato Global Net Zero Hedge Fund (the Fund) is a global equities long/short strategy, managed with the aim of outperforming the MSCI World Net Returns Unhedged Index while achieving a net zero carbon footprint without the use of carbon credits – a first in the managed funds industry, globally.
Since inception (September 1, 2021 – September 30, 2022) the Plato Global Net Zero Hedge Fund has outperformed its benchmark (the MSCI World Net Returns Unhedged Index) by 10.19% gross of fees. This outperformance was against a backdrop of buoyant oil, gas, and coal prices, and the underperformance of many sustainability branded strategies.
Plato Investment Management’s Head of Short/Long Strategies and Co-Head of Research, Dr David Allen, said he’s pleased to support Future Generation and deliver shareholders a global equities exposure without the usual associated carbon footprint.
“The core values that underpin the Fund are highly aligned with those of Future Generation Global and we are pleased that in the Fund’s first year since inception (1 September, 2021), we have strongly outperformed the benchmark, showing such a strategy can in fact deliver clients a global equities portfolio that maintains a net zero carbon footprint without compromising alpha.
“We thank the Future Generation Global Investment Committee for reviewing and ultimately deciding to allocate to our innovative strategy, which now joins a portfolio of well-established global equities Funds, all of which I have great respect for.”
Future Generation Global Chief Executive Officer, Caroline Gurney also commented on the allocation.
“The Plato Global Net Zero Hedge Fund provides a unique and differentiated allocation to the Future Generation Global investment portfolio and is managed by a highly experienced team dedicated to the dual objectives of strong social and investment returns.”
For more information about the Fund: Plato Global Net Zero Hedge Fund
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Plato (427-347 BC)

Plato Investment Management Limited AFSL 504616 ABN 77 120 730 136 (‘Plato’).
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